Tuesday, July 27, 2010

THREE Green Herons - one clearly a Juvenile! July 28

Tuesday, July 28, 2010.
again I bicycled to the Delta Ponds along the bike path near Valley River Center.
So far in this blog the only ponds I have been talking about are the one's closest to the Willamette River - where the water enters the ponds from the River. These ponds are the furthest SouthWest of the entire set of ponds. The topmost image here shows the satellite view of the ponds I have been visiting. The 2nd image shows a map-view of the same area. The third image shows a larger region which gives a better perspective of where these ponds are in relation to the formal city park having the name "Delta Ponds City Park." In that third image, there is a red balloon marker showing the "delta ponds city park" and my ponds are to the lower left of that park.

In the top image follow the green bike path up from the very bottom of the picture. The three Green Herons I saw today were where the bike path curves to the right along the South end of the ponds. There is a very narrow long North-South running pond nearest the river and a smaller one just to the right of that. All three birds were on the edges of that smaller one to the right of the long narrow pond.

One of the three Herons was clearly a full adult, having a more full-bodied look and no streaking whatsoever on it's breast. Both of the others had quite a bit of the adult plumage coloration, but one of them had "fuzzy" hairs along the top of his head and some white small spots on his wings. While clearly a young bird it was nowhere near as young looking as the one I saw a few days ago near the North end of the pond system where the channel runs North from Randy Pape Beltline Road and towards it's re-entry into the Willamette River. That young bird a few days ago was narrower-bodied and almost entirely brown and white except for some darker coloration on it's head.

Ee-die'-fah came along just as I arrived today and we watched the Green Herons together for about half an hour. We didn't see the youngest one eat anything but some small bugs that were on the log it was standing on, but one of the others struggled for 3 or 4 minutes with something it caught. Ee-die-fah said it was a small fish, but I thought it was a frog about two inches long. Twice while the bird pecked at it and picked it up and turned it this way and that, I was pretty sure I saw a white belly and two or three legs dangling from it. I don't think those could have been fins. They looked too long and gangly to be anything but legs. That's my opinion and I'm standing by it, although I know quite well that any observer can be mistaken about what they think they are seeing.

The only times I can remember seeing three or more Green Herons at the same time has been in the month of August when the newly fledged birds fly around with the parents. I've seen that several times along the river here in Eugene over the years even when I was not specifically out for the purpose of birding.

Further North today, I passed along the South and West ends of the large East-West running pond that goes from Willamette Oaks near the River to Goodpasture Island Road.. While I was riding along this stretch, I heard the Pied-Billed Grebe calling again. The call was coming from further East this time, further from the River and closer to Goodpasture Island Road. I didn't stop to look for the bird because I knew I wouldn't get much of a view of it at the distance the call placed it at.

I asked Ee-die-fah today when she had first seen or hear the Pied-Billed Grebe. she said almost a month ago now and that there are two of them. She thinks they will be breeding soon. The last time I spoke with her, more than a month ago, she had said the Grebes were not around this Summer. Two days ago, July 25th was the first time I heard a Grebe at the ponds this year. But I only started going birding at the ponds a few days before that so I'm not surprised I only first heard a Grebe this week. Before then I had only ridden by on a number of occasions on my way home or going downtown, and didn't stop much (if at all) at the ponds to look around.

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